Registration of oilseed sunflower restorer germplasms RHA 476 and RHA 477, adapted for short season environments

Brent Hulke, William May

Abstract: Northward expansion and double crop use of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is limited by the lack of commercial hybrids with early maturity. We seek to provide the sunflower industry with new, early maturing restorer inbred germplasms with high yield potential and favorable agronomic and seed oil traits, specifically resistance to downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara halstedii [Farl.] Berl. & De Toni, tolerance to postemergent herbicides such as the imidazolinones, and increased oleic acid in the seed oil. RHA 476 (Reg. No. GP-344; PI 682129) and RHA 477 (Reg. No.GP-345; PI 682130) are restorer inbred germplasms that can fill this need. RHA 476 possesses high yield potential and high oleic acid (= 850 g kg-1) in the seed oil. RHA 477 possesses high yield potential, downy mildew resistance conditioned by PlARG, and imidazolinone herbicide tolerance. These lines were released by the USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND, in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian Head, SK, to fill the need for publicly available lines with early maturity in a high yielding genetic background.

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