J. Glover, J. Reganold, L. Bell, J. Borevitz, E. Brummer, E. Buckler, C. Cox, T. Cox, T. Crews, S. Culman, L. Dehann, D. Eriksson, B. Gill, J. Holland, F. Hu, B. Hulke, A. Ibrahim, W. Jackson, S. Jones, S. Murray, A. Paterson, E. Ploschuk, E. Sacks, S. Snapps, D. Tao, D. Van Tassel, L. Wade, D. Wyse and Y. Xu
Abstract: This is a response to a letter submitted in response to the Science article “Increasing Food and Ecosystem Security via Perennial Grains” written by Glover, et al. It details the balance of “precipitation use efficiency” in agroecosystems with the needs of sustainable food production and resiliency of ecosystem services.
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